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Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are a restoration solution for those who are missing a section of teeth in their mouth. The partial denture will fill the gap in your smile, improving your confidence and making it easier to chew and talk. Dentures will also support your lips and cheeks so that your face won’t sag.

How do partial dentures work?

Partial dentures are artificial teeth that are fixed onto a gum-colored acrylic base. They often contain a metal framework, but this is concealed by the acrylic base, so it looks as natural as possible. Partial dentures usually include a clasp that affixes to your natural teeth to hold the denture in place.

When you first receive your partial denture, it may feel strange or too tight. But this sensation should only last a few days, until your mouth gets used to the denture. However, it the discomfort continues, you should schedule a follow-up appointment with your dentist so he or she can make the proper adjustments. It’s not recommended that you wear your denture 24 hours a day. It’s usually advised that you remove your denture at night and wear it during the day.

Caring for your partial denture

Just as it’s important to care for your natural teeth, it’s important to care for your denture. Below are a few tips to best care for your denture:

  • Clean your partial denture every day – Remove your denture and rinse it off after meals in order to remove any food debris. It's also a good idea to periodically soak your partial denture in denture cleaner overnight. Make sure you rinse the cleaner off in the morning before putting your denture in.
  • Brush your denture – Gently brush your denture each day. You can use a soft-bristled toothbrush or a specially made denture brush. You can use a bit of liquid dish soap, but never use toothpastes, as they contain abrasive particles that can damage the denture.
  • Brush your natural teeth daily – You should never neglect the oral hygiene of your natural health. It’s still important to brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day. This can decrease the chances that you’ll lose more of your natural teeth.
Dentures do take some getting used to and you’ll need to adjust your schedule in order to care for them properly. However, they are more natural looking and comfortable than ever, which can improve your self-image and your life!


If you have a dental emergency please call Dr. Chatterley at 303-791-6700. If you have a medical emergency please dial 911.


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